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Vocational Development Institute

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Taipei City Vocational Development Institute
 1.About the Director

Position:Director, Taipei City Vocational Development Institute 

Name:Kao, Chun-Yi


Master of Administration and Policy Practice (APP), School of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin.
BA in Sociology, National Chengchi University.


Director, Taipei City Vocational Development Institute, Department of Labor, Taipei City Government.
Chief Secretary, Department of Labor, Taipei City Government.
Chief Secretary / Division Chief / Secretary / Inspector, Department of Labor, Taipei City Government.
Director, Labor Education and Culture Center, Bureau of Labor Affairs, Taipei City Government.
Deputy Director, Employment Services Center, Bureau of Labor Affairs, Taipei City Government.
Specialist / Sub-division Chief, Department of Social Welfare, Taipei City Government.



Taipei City Vocational Development Institute was formerly the Taipei Vocational Training Center, which was established on July 1, 1983, with the aim of nurturing Taipei City’s human resources. After many reforms, the Center was transformed into the Vocational Development Institute on January 1, 2013. From career decisions to career development, we provide comprehensive competency nurturing programs for job seekers. These development areas include: competency nurturing, competency assessment, skills assessment and trainee guidance. In response to industry changes within metropolitan Taipei, the Institute especially caters to the career development of the insured party covered under the Employment Insurance Act who has been involuntarily terminated, as well as specific groups of the unemployed (middle and old age, disadvantaged and disabled), by actively assisting them in increasing their employment competitiveness.


Organizational Chart of Taipei City Vocational Development Institute

  • The Taipei City Vocational Development Institute consists of 5 divisions and 3 offices.
  • The main office of Taipei City Vocational Development Institute consists of three officials in total, Director, Deputy Director, Secretary.
  • The number of employees and the main job duties of divisions under Taipei City Vocational Development Institute are listed as follow:


The main job duties

Tasks & Duties
Information and Communications Section
Researching, investigating, analyzing and industry training cooperation on labor demands of information, communication industry. Training competency courses program. Training and selection for recruiting. Tutorship for trainees. Assistance for obtaining employments. Entrusting and be responsible for supervising and checking centers for competency education of information, communication and related industry.
Industrial Training Section
Researching, investigating, analyzing and industry training cooperation on labor demands of industrial technologies industry. Training competency courses program. Training and selection for recruiting. Tutorship for trainees. Assistance for obtaining employments. Entrusting and be responsible for supervising and checking centers for competency education of industrial technologies and related industry.
Services Training SectionResearching, investigating, analyzing and industry training cooperation on labor demands of services industry. Training competency courses program. Training and selection for recruiting. Tutorship for trainees. Assistance for obtaining employments. Entrusting and be responsible for supervising and checking centers for competency education of services and related industry.
Vocational Assessment Section
Advisory for obtaining employment and psychological problems. Assistance for life supports. General courses program planning. Planning, testing and managing all profession technician certificates. Developing competency. Construction for digitalization of management. Everything about supports for developing career and advisory for starting a business.
General Affairs Section
Management of documents, files, finance, equipment for training and property. Information of technology, legal system, public relationship, evaluation and others.
Accounting Office
Statistics, accounting and annual budgetary.
Personnel Office
Management of personnel affairs.
Government Ethnics Office
Dealing with government ethics works.


Globalization and development in the knowledge economy era have brought about rapid changes in industrial structure and technology. Advanced countries invariably promote various professional licenses and certification frameworks as an important balancing mechanism between competency nurturing systems and industry demands. The purpose is to reduce the talent supply and demand gap in order to increase the nation’s competitiveness. Hence, in response to labor market demands, the Institute actively adopts competency standards, appropriately implements assessment and nurturing, and provides career development services to equip people seeking employment with the required knowledge and skills, in order to realize the development of industry, academia, training and application. At the same time, the Institute aims to increase the quality of the labor force and promote employment, thereby achieving a balance in the labor market.

5.Contact Information

Tel: +886-2-28721940
Fax: +886-2-28731005
E-mail: Taipei City Petition System 1999

6.Business Hours

Mon. to Fri. 8:30 to 17:30


No. 301, Shidong Road, Shilin District, Taipei City 111035, Taiwan (R. O. C.)

Photos of Taipei City Vocational Development Institute