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  • Taiwan.gov.tw [ open a new window]
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1What is the rate and the working hour?
2Where to obtain the information regarding visually-impaired massage center/station?
3Any other resources available to jobseekers?
4Is there any fee involved with filling out an application form on Taipei Recruitment Agency's website?
5Any fees involved for the application of recruitment?
6Is there any free legal advice available?
7Can work rules and labor-management conferences be declared via the internet?
8How can I obtain work rules examples and labor contract examples?
9When a dispute occurs between an employer and a foreign worker (white collar or blue collar), which agency can they contact to help mediate the dispute?
10The rights and obligations of foreign professionals working in Taiwan
11What are the alternatives that an employee can claim for when an employer does not recognize the certificate issued by an occupational and medicine specialist, even though it has specifically indicated that the injuries resulted from occupational disease?
12In the case of premature termination of the contract, if the contract holds that service must be performed throughout a certain period, does the worker need to compensate, or can the employer carry out wage garnishments at will?
13How do you apply for an employer-employee dispute settlement?
14How to apply for Taipei City workers' accident compensation?
15What are the prerequisites? And the definition of "certain groups."
16How to apply for a vocational training?
17I am a self-employed employer looking for recruitment of employees, but without a business registration number, any alternatives?
18What are the prerequisites for Taipei City workers' accident compensation?
19What is the priority order of inheritance for Taipei City workers' accident compensation?
20What are the required documents for the application of Taipei City workers' accident compensation?