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As the department in charge of the municipal government's policies on Labor-related issues, our organization comprises a commissioner.


Department of Labor Organization

Department Organization

The Department of Labor consists of 5 divisions and 4 offices. Affiliated agencies operating under the department include Taipei City Labor Inspection Office,Taipei City Employment Services Office,Taipei City Foreign and Disabled Labor Office and Taipei City Vocational Development Institute


1. Commissioner's Office : General management of the department's operations.
2. Deputy Commissioner's Office : Assist in the general management of the department's operations.
3. Office of Chief Secretary : Assist in the general management of the department's operations.
4. Labor Relations Division : Provide consultation to labor unions and manage administration of labor welfare, retirement pension, and labor insurance related affairs.
5. Labor Standards Division : Manage labor inspection works, handle employment disputes, provide protection to labors of mass severance, administer labor equity fund, and execute administrative sanctions to violators of labor criteria and labor disputes.
     --Labor Working Condition Inspection Unit.
6. Occupational Health and Safety Division : Administer labor safety/hygiene and education/training affairs, labor safety and hygiene inspection, and administrative sanctions.
7. Employment Security Division : Administer employment discrimination prevention, equal opportunity, employment services promotion, employment insurance, and occupational training promotion related affairs.
8. Labor Education and Cultural Division : Administer subsidies for labor education and related audits, plan and execute training plans, provide labor education related information, and assist private businesses and organizations to organize labor education, cultural, and recreational activities.
9. Administrative Service Office : Administer documentation, filing, cashier, general affairs, property management, information, legal affairs, public relations, and research/evaluation related works.
10.Accounting Office : Administer budgeting, accounting, and statistics related affairs.
11.Personnel Office : Administer personnel related affairs.
12.Government Ethics Office : Administer government ethics related affairs.