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Protecting Labor Rights Hand in Hand We Unite

1、Protecting Labor Rights an Hand in Hand We Unite.
2、Safeguarding Worker's Rights.
3、Timeline of Taiwan's Modern Labor Trends.
4、1984-Improved labor conditions by Implementing the Labor Standards Act.
5、Uniting for Labor Rights.
6、Initiated Improved labor conditions with evaluation and inspection projects.
7、Building Safe Workplace Systems.
8、2013-Expansion of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
9、Taipei 101 Partners Monument erected to commemorate fallen workers.
10、Strengthening Worker's Safety and Health Inspections.
11、Cultivating a High Quality Work Force.
12、Labor Education Taking Root.
13、In the 45th National Skills Competition northern Taiwan won 4 gold medals,4 silver medals,and 1 bronze medal.
14、A Friendly Employment Environment .
15、2008-The Gender Equality in Employment Act was revised and improved.
16、(Photo:Gender Equality Same Work Same Pay and Close the Pay Gap,Create a Friendly Employment Environment.)
Equal Pay Day is an important milestone in national development and gender equality.
17、Support Special Needs Employment Pursue Personal Fulfillment.
18、Strengthening Labor Relations.
19、2011-Revised three labor acts:Labor Union Act,Collective Agreement Act,and Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes.
20、(Photo:Taiwan's Honda Group Collective Barganing Agreement-Signing Ceremony)
21、Promote Employer-Employee Dialogue Through the Exercise of Unity.
22、Building a Friendly ,Safe,and Dignified Work Environment.
23、Department of Labor , Taipei City Government.