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Employment Services Office

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Taipei City Employment Services Office

1.About the Director

Name:Ho, Hung-Cheng


-M.A., Graduate Institute of Labor Research, National Chengchi University

-B.A., Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University


Senior Specialist, Department of Labor, Taipei City Government

Director, Department of Labor, Taipei City Government

- Division Chief, Department of Labor, Taipei City Government

- Specialist, Department of Labor, Taipei City Government

- Sub-division Chief, Department of Labor, Taipei City Government


The Employment Services Office was established in 1945 and subordinate to Department of Social Welfare. We were renamed and have been subordinate to Department of Labor since 1988.

The original structure was reorganized in August 2010 and the administration was renamed "Employment Service Office, Department of Labor, Taipei City Government".

The original structure was reorganized in January 2013 and the administration was renamed "Taipei City Employment Services Office".

Our services have been transformed from the traditional citizen-oriented services to customer-oriented services in terms of operational philosophy. All members in our department serve the people with the determination to pursue excellence and desire to make unprecedented achievements. We join together to make unremitting efforts for the new era.



  • The Taipei City Employment Services Office consists of 4 divisions and 4 offices.
  • The main office of Employment Services Office consists of four officials in total, Director, Deputy Director, Secretary and Technical Worker.
  • The main job duties of divisions under Employment Services Offices are listed as follow:
DivisionsThe main job duties

Tasks & Duties

Job-seeking Service SectionIn charge of registering for seeking jobs and job- matching, counseling for seeking jobs and practicing vocational interests tests, establishing Employment Service Station, counseling for specific case of management and implementing measures for job- seeking from central government.
Employer Service SectionIn charge of registering for seeking jobs and recruiting, auditioning for employees, recruiting event for local workers before recruiting foreign workers, assisting recruitment activities and transfers of local workers before employers look for foreign labor and implementing measures for employing rewards from central government.
Employment Information SectionIn charge of acclaiming recruiting activities, collecting information of employing, investigation and statistics of employment, customer service for on-line information, holding recruiting activities and managing Taipei Job Bank.
Employment Promotion SectionIn charge of recognizing and re-confirming the unwilling unemployment cases, employment service for unemployed workers, establishing and implementing measures for employment, counseling for starting business, service for managing volunteers and implementing measures for employing rewards from central government.
Administrative Service OfficeIn charge of documentation, filing, cashier, general affairs, property management, information, legal affairs, public relations, and research/evaluation related works.
Accounting OfficeIn charge of budgeting, accounting, and statistics related works.
Personnel OfficeIn charge of personnel related works.
Government Ethnics OfficeIn charge of government ethnics related works.
Bangka Employment Service StationProviding different kinds of employment services.
Xinyi Employment Service StationProviding different kinds of employment services.
Beitou Employment Service StationProviding different kinds of employment services.
Ximen Employment Service StationProviding different kinds of employment services.
Jingmei Employment Service StationProviding different kinds of employment services.
Neihu Employment Service StationProviding different kinds of employment services.
Nangang Employment Service StationProviding different kinds of employment services.
Case Management StationProviding service of employment for specific case of disadvantage groups.
Taipei Job BankAdministrating the website of Taipei Job Bank https://okwork.gov.taipei/ (Chinese) and the office related works.



(1)Job Search Services:

Free job search!! You may visit any of our employment service stations and ask our desk clerk to introduce jobs for you according to your interest and expertise and also perform follow-up services upon your request if you are a ROC citizen or a ROC citizen's spouse from a foreign country or mainland China with a legitimate work permit.

(2)Unemployment recognition and re-confirmation:

You may visit any of our employment service stations to ask our staff to help process the recognition and re-confirmation of your unemployment benefit application if you need unemployment benefits as a result of your involuntary employment termination.

(3)Career counseling and vocational interest tests:

You may request counseling sessions with our professional career counselors, who will advise you on employment and job transfer issues.
If you are a graduate and new to society or if you want to switch careers, you may take free vocational interest tests. Our case manager will then help you find suitable jobs for you based on your test results.

(4)Consultations and referrals for vocational training:

This service is provided for those who are willing to work but need more vocational skills. Our case manager will counsel you briefly on job interest and vocational training and will then help you find a suitable vocational training program.

(5)Individual case management:

We provide professional and individualized employment services and counseling sessions to help you devise a concrete strategy in terms of your competitiveness in the job market. 

(6)Employment promotion workshops:

We will give you the most up-to-date analysis of the job market and also teach you how to write a good resume and acquire the best interview skills to increase your competitiveness in the job market.

(7)"Employability enhancement subsidies" and other measures:

We will help you apply for employability enhancement subsidies for eliminating your financial pressure if you are laid off due to your company closing down or downsizing. We also have unemployment benefits and other packages, e.g. basic computer lessons, to help strengthen your competitiveness in the job market.

(8)Services for employers and special recruitment activities:

We care not only about the job seekers but also employers. We have an enthusiastic team to provide comprehensive recruitment plans for companies’ HR departments and we also hold special recruitment activities such as job fairs on various themes periodically or randomly.

(9)Recruitment Information:

Recruitment for contractors, professional technicians, and janitors of Taipei City Government units will be held once each month. The related information will be announced at the news section of https://eso.gov.taipei https://eso.gov.taipei (Chinese) and the contractor recruitment section of Taipei City Government of https://okwork.gov.taipei/ESO/ https://okwork.gov.taipei/ (Chinese) in the last week of every month till the first week of the following month.

(10)Assisting recruitment activities and transfers of local workers before employers look for foreign labor:

To carry out the foreign labor policies and introduction measures promulgated by the Workforce Development Agency, the Ministry of Labor, we help employers make domestic recruitment and grant foreign labor in accordance with the principle of supplementation. And we also provide foreign workers transferring to protect their employment rights.

5.Contact Information

E-Mail:Taipei City Petition System 1999

6.Business Hour

Mon. to Fri. 8:30 to 17:30


8F., No.101, Bangka Blvd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108220, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Photos of Recruiting Events