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Establishing a Family-Friendly Workplace: Taipei City Introduces the Inaugural Parenting Friendly Enterprise Award

  Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an presented the Taipei City 2024 Parenting Friendly Enterprise Award before the municipal administrative meeting on May 28, 2024. A total of 36 units received the award. In addition to large enterprises, winners also include small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) and non-profit organizations. These award-winning units have shown great enthusiasm and importance for the award, with all actively participating in the commendation activities. Mayor Chiang expressed the hope that all businesses in Taipei City participate in this measure, fostering a child-friendly workplace environment. The aim is to transform Taipei City into a family-friendly environment conducive to raising children, addressing the pressing issue of declining fertility rates and encouraging more citizens to consider starting families.

  Commissioner Kao Bao-hua of the Taipei Department of Labor stated that the award-winning businesses today represent exemplary child-friendly workplaces in Taipei. Notably, large companies like World Peace Industrial Co., Ltd. and Gamania Digital Entertainment have invested significantly in on-site kindergartens for employees' children. Additionally, even smaller businesses like Cura Co., Ltd., a pizzeria , have also hired workplace nannies to provide daycare for employees' children. These efforts demonstrate different approaches to providing employee-related childcare directly in the workplace.

  Commissioner Kao also said that there are various types of business unit that have won awards this year. Large enterprises such as Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. in the telecommunications industry and First Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. in the financial industry, have implemented exemplary child-friendly measures and serve as industry benchmarks. For example, Chunghwa Telecom offers up to 104 weeks of paid parental leave; First Commercial Bank provides employees with a maternity allowance of NT$100,000 for the first child and NT$150,000 for each following child. To date, the bank has allocated over NT$117 million in subsidies.

  Additionally, he mentioned that, apart from large enterprises with substantial financial resources to implement child-friendly measures, SMEs like Seek and Find Co. Ltd. and EBM Group Enterprise Ltd. have also adopted tailored measures suitable for their size. Despite having fewer than 100 employees, these SMEs demonstrate operational flexibility by offering flexible working hours and adjustments to work locations. Furthermore, they provide valuable support to employees in achieving a balance between work and family life.

  Commissioner Kao specifically highlighted the touching aspect of this award, noting that three non-profit organizations were among the recipients. Despite their limited resources compared to for-profit enterprises, these organizations, including the Taipei Lishin Charity Foundation, the Taipei Pearl S. Buck Foundation, and the First Social Welfare Foundation, have made commendable efforts to provide their employees with supportive childcare measures. For example, employees of the Lishin Charity Foundation with children under the age of 6 receive a monthly subsidy of NT$1,000 per child. The Pearl S. Buck Foundation offers employees 4 hours of paid compassionate leave per month to assist with caregiving responsibilities for the elderly and children at home, with over half of its employees taking advantage of this benefit. Additionally, the First Social Welfare Foundation has established a nursing room and provides childcare subsidies to its employees.

  Finally, to encourage all award-winning units of the Parenting Friendly Enterprise Award, it is hoped that all enterprises will continue to prioritize the well-being of their employees and foster a supportive workplace environment. Under the leadership of the mayor, the Taipei City Government (TCG) also offers preferential plans for award-winning units to organize parent-child activities at city-operated venues. For example, they can enjoy a 30% discount on miniZOO shopping at the city zoo, private hire of Taipei Children's Amusement Park, a 30% discount on one-day Fun coupons, and a 40% discount on paid-for facilities at Taipei—Hakka Cultural Park (for details). Commissioner Kao emphasized that the TCG aims to serve as a catalyst in promoting the concept of a child-friendly workplace gradually, thus encouraging more individuals to contribute to Taipei's future together.